PPMK Jogja – Pemberdayaan Perempuan Memerangi Kemiskinan


Sulastri Miharja – PPMK’s Director

Sulastri has been working with PPMK since the organization began in 2008. She started as a field officer and initiated the micro credit program by setting up the very first PPMK microloans in 2008. She took the lead and she continues to manage the organization and responsible for all projects and operations.

Afi N.D– Head of Finance

Afi has been working with PPMK since 2012. When she first joined PPMK, her role was as a part time accountant in our small grassroots organization. She is now PPMK’s Head of Finance. She is responsible for all the cash flow in the organization and all financial reporting. She has bachelor degree in Finance.

Susi– Financial Assistant

Her role is to assist our Head of Finance to provide financial project reporting and receive and administer loan repayments also administer Education Loan. Together with our Field officer, she provides business proposal training to our microfinance candidates.

Rega Adi Pratama _ Senior Field Officer

He graduated from Marine Academic School in 2019. When he joined the team in April 2019, he was a field officer assistant. He learns fast with his Job description. When the previous senior officer left, he replaced the position as Senior Filed officer. He is responsible for the field surveys for microcredit candidates and for loan repayments. With the microcredit team, he guides the selection of potential borrower candidates. He works with our Financial Officer to give loans to borrowers. As addition, he is responsible to update the client’s database.

Rika Yuliana _ Field Officer

Rika joined PPMK’s team this year as senior field officer assistant. He graduated in 2015 from vocational school in management subject. He is responsible to support senior field officer, execute all field activities in Microcredit Program and another additional program.

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