PPMK Jogja – Pemberdayaan Perempuan Memerangi Kemiskinan

Jetakan women group receives new loan slide
Making tofu
Mrs. Salbilah makes tempe
Mrs. Siti makes Emping Mlinjo ( Mlinjo bean chip)
One of our visitor makes sambal ( chilli grinding)
The farmers are enjoy their tea break
The first day of cooking training
The kids with Ms.Ruby and Ms. Freya in English class
The women participants in sewing training wear the cloths of their practice product
Visiting the villagers
Women's group
processing "padi" into rice
PPMK women sew at home
make bricks (element for building)
make gerabah (kitchen tools made from clay)
make make chips of melinjo

About PPMK Jogja

Sulastri Miharja

The idea for PPMK (Empowering Women to Fight Poverty) began informally in 2002 when PPMK’s founder, Jack Wilson, attended an inspiring workshop conducted by Amanda Zinn, President of ‘Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore’. On Jack Wilson’s arrival back to Indonesia, he realized that we could do micro-finance here. Jack is a Vietnam Veteran & as luck would have it, about that time he got a generous ‘service related’ disability award from Veteran’s Administration. It was like ‘blood’ money, and it rapidly became clear to Jack that half of it should go to ending poverty which is a big part of the reason we have wars.  more about ppmk..

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News and Update

Kids Coloring Competition

On Saturday, July 27th, PPMK hosted a coloring competition for the local children of Bantul. Over thirty kids participated in the competition, arriving that morning with markers

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PPMK’s Gardening Competition

The Gardening Competition Recently, our city of Yogyakarta confronted an issue with waste. Our biggest waste shelter has been permanently closed. A lot of people don’t care

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